100 Things I Know About Myself

When I was in my gap year program (almost ten years ago now!), one of our directors told us that a great way to know we were ready to date was by writing a list of 50 things we know about ourselves.

It may be hard to believe, but very young, immature Megan took that as a challenge and immediately wrote a very shallow list that included:

9. I love most animals.
23. I love kids (oh, how that has changed!).
27. I don’t like being a picky eater — but I am. 

And my personal favorite that remains true to this day:

29. I like being right.

Even in my spiteful ignorance, I only had the attention span to write 31 items.

Then, a few years ago, I decided I wanted to know myself more. In memory of this paltry list and my misplaced intentions, I started writing a new list of 100 things I knew about myself. I don’t remember how far I got, but I know it was much more substantial than the first.

Once again, I’ve decided I’d like to get to know myself better, and so I’m embarking on a journey to write 100 things I know about myself. It will not be a daily occurrence, but I’m aiming for one to two entries a week. I’m inviting you all to come along with me on this journey of public self-reflection. Together we’ll see what the Lord has in store. 

Entry 1 is up! You can read it here and decide if I’m crazy or not!

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